Why Vegan


A person who identifies as vegan, is someone who chooses not to consume, wear or use any products derived from animals. This choice is made to follow a lifestyle choice that recognises that animals do not exist for our sole benefit, therefore not partaking in any activities that condone animal cruelty. Veganism is a way of life which embraces love and compassion for the animals.



"Annually, over 500 million farm animals in Australia are subjected to practices that would warrant cruelty charges if the victims were instead dogs or cats."

What many people do not realise is that farm animals are intelligent, sentient beings. They experience love, happiness and pain the same way our household pets do. In saying that, these animals are not protected under the same animal cruelty laws. This gives people legality to treat certain animals inhumanely, under the guise of “rearing food”. Often farm animals endure excruciating surgical mutilations and are kept in unethical, overcrowded and restricted conditions.

"There are over 500 million animals confined like this in factory farms in Australia today."

Factory farms treat animals as "production units", where animal welfare is completely overlooked.

For more information on the atrocious practices carried out on factory farms across Australia please visit Animal's Australia.



Many people are beginning to embrace a vegan diet, as it has proven to be one of the easiest ways to increase life expectancy, protect against a stroke and lower risk of diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Meat and dairy contain a large amount of saturated fats, with the World Health Organisation recognising red meat as a carcinogenic. A reduction of your consumption of these foods will help your cardiovascular health. 

Vegans often have a diet high in fibre, which helps fight against colon cancer. Seeds, nuts and dark leafy greens are an excellent source of magnesium, which aids in the absorption of calcium. To gain the right amount of protein in their diet, vegans consume foods such as legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains and soy products. For more information on benefits to your health please visit Why Veg.



"The livestock industry is one of the most significant contributors to today's serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. Switching to a plant based diet is the single most effective choice that an individual can make to combat the effects of climate change."

A recent study by scientists at the World Bank concluded that the livestock industry is responsible for more than 51% of green house gas emissions. In 2006, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, or FAO, estimated that raising animals for meat and dairy was responsible for 18% of global warming - this is more than the entire world’s transportation put together. It is becoming increasingly clear to the scientific community that raising livestock is a major concern for the well-being of our planet, as Dr T Colin Campbell of the Cornell University, USA says "at least half of the greenhouse gases that are up there now are due to live stock production".

Click here for more information on how becoming a vegan can help the planet.

This is just a summary of the main reasons why you should consider adopting a Vegan lifestyle. The 'Animals Australia: Why Veg' website is one of our main references as it has a great, in-depth overview on the topics covered here with statistics relevant to Australia. By converting to a Vegan lifestyle, you begin a journey to better your health, help the planet and save the lives of animals! What’s to lose?

If you have any questions or wish to share any additional helpful links please contact us.